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Minulá výkonnost nezaručuje stejnou výkonnost v budoucím období. Výkonnosti v horizontu menším než 12 měsíců mají jen velmi malou vypovídací hodnotu. Náklady na pořízení produktu nejsou zahrnuty. Vychází-li údaje o výkonnosti z cizí měny, je nutné mít na paměti riziko kolísání měnových kurzů. Zdroj: FactSet


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5 let v %           

Price information

Target market

Negativní cílový trh

Price information


Target market explanation

The target market specifies, according to defined parameters, the set of clients/investors for whom the given investment product is intended.

Česká spořitelna, a.s. determines the target market using the following parameters:

The type of the client – categorization according to MiFID II, i.e. retail client/ professional client/ eligible counterparty, Knowledge and experience related to investments, which the client should have so that the product is appropriate for such client, Compatibility of risk/reward profile of the product with risk tolerance of the client, Financial situation of the client with a focus on the ability to bear losses, Investment horizon, i.e. the period for which the product is to be held, Client objectives and needs, including sustainability-related objectives. Target market parameters are used to assess the compatibility of a specific investment product with a specific client and his needs, characteristics and goals. The client's compatibility with the product's target market will be evaluated during the purchase process. If the client meets all the parameters of the target market of the product, he falls into the target market of the given investment product. Otherwise, he may fall outside the target market, or even in a negative target market. Visitors of this site should be aware that they may fall outside the target market of the investment products listed on this site.



Full ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) names and complete product information are provided in the prospectusses of these funds. The information stated herein is of the nature of a promotional message. The information stated in this message is not an investment recommendation or investment advice since it does not take into account the specific situation of specific investors. The value of the financial instruments may rise and fall, while there is no guarantee of a return on the originally invested amount. Past performance is no guarantee of the same performance in a future period. A visitor to this website may be outside the target market of the financial instruments stated herein. We recommend that you consult your specific investment plan with an expert advisor who will verify that the planned investment will be commensurate with your knowledge and experience, that it will be in accordance with your needs, characteristics and goals, financial circumstances or relation to risk, and will familiarise you with all possible risks of a specific investment opportunity.