Česká spořitelna's new internet banking brings you the opportunity to trade in selected investment products online.
Now in GEORGE you can also trade equitis, certificates or ETFs.
- natural persons with permanent residence in the Czech Republic,
natural persons of a different country for which no special rules apply
persons not deprived of legal capacity
underage persons represented by a legal representative
legal entities, natural persons – entrepreneurs
other entities (foundations, movements, political parties)
Read the Rules for the trading of US persons (in cz language).
In order to trade in George, you need to have a property account and a current account in the currency in which you want to trade. In practice, this means that, for example, to buy a security in EUR, you need to have a foreign currency account in EUR.
It is possible to trade with all titles that are in the "Search and buy" menu. Our bank offers trading on major local and global stock exchanges in all relevant currencies (Belgium, Finland, France, Italy, Japan, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Spain, Switzerland, USA, Great Britain).
In George you can now trade mutual funds, stocks, ETFs and certificates as well as bonds and premium deposits.
Just enter the initial letter of the security's name or its ISIN and George will guide you. Then you just choose the security you want to trade and continue filling out the purchase order.
Shares, ETFs and certificates can be bought at any time in George. The order will be sent to the market during the trading hours of the market you want to buy. If you enter a trade outside trading hours, the order is in the "entered" state, waiting for the exchange to open. Once the exchange opens, the order will be sent and its status will change to "market active". You can always check the instruction in George in the history of open instructions.
Trading is possible in the desktop version of George as well as in the mobile application.
This is a way of trading where you buy CP and on the same trading day you can sell them straight away. It is not possible to conduct such trades in Georgia. You can continue to trade with purchased CPs only after the trade has been settled, i.e. after they have been credited to the asset account. (T+2 to 4 days from the satisfaction of the market order).
The bid/buy price is the highest price a buyer is willing to pay for a CP at a given moment. The ask/sell price is the lowest price at which the seller is willing to sell CP at a given moment. The bid/buy price will almost always be lower than the ask/sell price
Prices in George are displayed according to the market standard, i.e. with a delay of 15 minutes. If no online price is available, the last available price (price of the last shop) is displayed. In this case, we will notify you of this fact directly during the transaction.
Yes, the so-called first level of market depth is displayed in George. Values are always linked to prices and you can't find them both on the search page for a new security in the "Search and Buy" menu and when filling out the purchase instruction itself.
You can find a list of all fees in the price list. In the case of online banking, the prices are lower.
- MARKET - An instruction without a defined limit for its execution. The actual strike price depends on market developments and may differ significantly from the last available price at the time the trade order is entered. This can result in overdrawing available funds or selling at a significantly lower price.
- STOP MARKET - The order becomes active only and only when a trade is made on the market at a price equal to or higher (buy order) / lower (sell order) than the activation price you entered (does not apply to certificates). An instruction without a defined limit for its execution, i.e. without a price limit for buying/selling.
- LIMIT - The maximum purchase/minimum sale price at which the security can be traded on the given market is determined by the limit price you set.
- STOP LIMIT - The order becomes active only when a trade is made on the market at a price equal to or higher (buy order) / lower (sell order) than the activation price you entered (does not apply to certificates). The limit price determines the maximum purchase/minimum sale price at which the security can be traded.
- Entered - The trade order is entered and is waiting to be sent to the market.
- Active in the market - The trade order has been sent to the market and is waiting for execution.
- Partially Fulfilled - The trade instruction is partially fulfilled at this time.
- Executed - The trade instruction is fully satisfied and closed.
- Awaiting Cancellation - The trade instruction is pending cancellation based on the client's request.
- Partially fulfilled/cancelled by the client - The trade instruction is partially fulfilled and then canceled by the client.
- Canceled by the client - The trade instruction was canceled by the client.
- Rejected by the market - The trade instruction was rejected by the market.
- Expired - The trade instruction has expired.
- Partially Fulfilled/Expired - The trade order was partially fulfilled and then expired.
The instruction can be canceled if its status allows it. After opening an order detail in the Order History (open orders), the "Cancel" button is either active or inactive.
You can buy and sell securities within George.
As soon as you enter a trade order, you will immediately see it in the history where you can track it. When the trade is settled or the order expires, it will appear in the closed orders in the Order History. At the same time, we will send you transaction statements through the channel you chose when signing the contract (just like with mutual fund trading).
The settlement of the trade only takes place on the so-called Settlement date. It varies according to the CP and the selected market.On this day, there are also movements in the asset (securities) and settlement account (money).
Stock prices and market depth in George are of course available. You can't find more details here at the moment, but it will be possible in the future. To get information about securities, you can use www.investicnicentrum.czne or you can download the free mobile version of this website.
Best exe can be defined as a market where it is possible to buy or sell under the best possible conditions.
This is a so-called fee for keeping records of securities. We calculate the price for keeping records daily from the current value of the securities. Listed securities are valued at their market price, unlisted securities and bonds at their nominal value. The amount is added up and billed in aggregate once per quarter. The minimum price for keeping this record of securities in the asset account is CZK 25 per quarter.
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