Internet banking of Česká spořitelna offers you the possibility to trade with selected investment products online. In addition to mutual funds, you can currently actively trade in George with stocks, ETFs, certificates, bonds and premium deposits.
- natural persons with permanent residence in the Czech Republic,
natural persons of a different country for which no special rules apply
persons not deprived of legal capacity
underage persons represented by a legal representative
legal entities, natural persons – entrepreneurs
other entities (foundations, movements, political parties)
Read the Rules for the trading of US persons (in cz language).
If you do not see the asset account, select the icon for "Settings" and then "Products" in the top bar. Here you will see your property account, for which you can turn on its display on the Overview with a tick. The appearance of the card itself can then be further modified. From the card, you can conveniently access the details of your portfolio or search for other products.
This is the current value of your portfolio, i.e. all products on your specific asset account at the end of the previous trading day. You will see the same number next to the pie chart in the portfolio detail or as the sum of the current value of all products at the bottom below the product list.
To determine the value of the portfolio, the products are valued at their last known prices at the end of the previous trading day. Each price carries with it the date, or the time, for which it is set. The value of products in foreign currency is converted to Czech crowns using the CNB exchange rate on the previous day. For bonds, the "mid" price is used, which is also indicated in the product details. The price at which you buy or sell securities does not correspond to the price at which the portfolio is valued. Before each transaction, whether our bankers at branches or on the phone or in George, we will inform you of the price of the product and any fees associated with the transaction.
Investing is closely related to financial flows, for example when purchasing a fund, one-off or regular payment orders are automatically generated, which is why a bank account maintained at Česká spořitelna with the same owner is required for transactions with securities (purchase and sale). George will offer you this in the Settlement account option.
For investments in foreign currency, a condition is a so-called foreign currency account, for example in EUR or USD, on which it is necessary to have a sufficient balance in foreign currency for the execution of the entered instruction. When you invest in a fund in a foreign currency, George will also display it among the settlement accounts in the menu.
Do not send money to the fund account with a regular payment order, such a trade does not have a corresponding order in the form of an instruction, and the money may be returned without executing the trade.
The newly created Asset Account will appear in George within 24 hours, please be patient.
In general, this does not mean that Česká spořitelna does not offer this fund. However, it is possible that for some reason it is currently not possible to trade online. Please contact the investment specialist on the phone number 800 468 378.
The availability of buttons or instructions that can be selected for a given fund is determined by various conditions. It could be a momentary failure of a legal document, a missing Investment Account in the currency of the fund or a business decision by the bank. If you are not sure, our investment specialists will be happy to advise you on the phone number 800 468 378.
Yes, it is possible. Exchanges between funds, both one-off and regular, can now be entered easily in George as well. An exchange takes longer than a purchase, the fund must first be sold and the other fund re-purchased. As a rule, it is a week, the maximum period is governed by the statute of the funds. And be careful, you can only exchange unit certificates of one fund for another within the same "family" of funds. For example, there may not be an exchange between the EAM CR fund and the BNP fund. However, George will look after the offer of funds for you when entering an instruction for Exchange.
Yes, that is also possible, and even a very smart solution, for example, to make your portfolio more conservative. You can find this option under the Regular switch button option. You can also set it like other regular instructions - limit the duration, enter only the number of times it should be carried out or specify the end date when entering it.
The entered exchange can be seen immediately in the instruction history. Since the exchange is a sale and a purchase, you will see 2 instructions in a one-time exchange - plus and minus. In the case of regular exchange, each completed transaction is displayed only as a target status in the Regular investment section.
Yes, open or active regular orders can be edited. Simply open the instruction you want to modify in the Regular Investing section and select the "Change" button. George will immediately make available to you all the data that you can change. From the amount to the date or change of the fund itself. When confirming the instruction, carefully check all changes. Please pay attention to setting the date of the regular exchange "at the end of the month", it is better to enter the exact date. An instruction that has already been canceled cannot be changed or canceled again. An instruction that has already been changed can be changed or canceled again.
Yes, a regular order can also be "Cancelled" at any time. Its technical cancellation will occur at T + two business days, so you will see it in open orders with a changed status for a while before it moves to the closed orders section.
If the condition for granting the discount is met, i.e. at least CZK 1,000 per month to the same fund, you do not have to worry, continuity will be maintained and you will not lose your right to the discount. When changing the fund, however, be careful. In this case, you are starting a new next "series" of transactions from number 1.
This is an unrealized gain or loss. Otherwise, also the difference between the current market value of the securities (current market price per piece * number of pieces) and the market value of the securities at the time of their purchase (market price per piece at the time of purchase x number of pieces), without the purchase price.
For regular monthly purchases of a minimum amount of CZK 1,000, a discount is applied to the procurement price according to the bands listed in the Price List. A discount of 25% is applied from the 13th investment to the 36th inclusive in order. From the 37th investment onwards, in the amount of 50% of the purchase procurement price. This discount also applies to regular exchange, target fund.
No. In case of exchange, both one-time and regular, the purchase price is calculated from the difference in purchase price. When exchanging shares from a fund with a lower purchase price (purchase fee) to a fund with a higher purchase price (purchase fee), the difference between these prices is applied. In a mutual fund with a lower purchase price, the purchase of the target fund is then free.
In the column with the description of the current calendar year, we always show you the return of the portfolio for its last completed quarter. Between January 1 and March 31, this column will always be empty. The first update will take approx. 5 working day after the end of the 1st quarter, when in this column we will display the return of the entire portfolio since the beginning of the year for the completed 1st quarter. The next update will take place after the end of the 2nd and then the 3rd quarter. After the end of the 2nd quarter, you will see the return for the 1st and 2nd quarter from the beginning of the year, analogously after the end of the 3rd quarter, you will see the return for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarter from the beginning of the year. The last quarter of the year is always included in the total return for the just ended calendar year.
George works with the past three calendar years and completed calendar quarters for the current year to calculate the return. In George, for the current calendar year, the portfolio return for the last completed quarter is always displayed as follows:
- 1 January to 31 March of the current year:
An empty column is displayed, the return for this period is displayed approximately on the fifth calendar day after the end of the quarter, i.e. around April 5. - 1 January to 30 June of the current year:
The return for the 1st quarter is displayed, the return for both quarters will be displayed approximately the fifth calendar day after the end of the second quarter, i.e. around July 5. - 1 January to 30 September of the current year:
The return for the 1st and 2nd quarter is displayed, the return for all three quarters will be displayed approximately on the fifth calendar day after the end of the third quarter, i.e. around October 5. - 1 January to 31 December of the current year:
Approximately the fifth calendar day after the end of the year, the return for the just ended calendar year is displayed + a new empty column will be added for the new calendar year
In the "Portfolio Overview" statement, which you can download in PDF format in Georgia, you will see the "Return for the last year" value, i.e. always rolling 12 months back from the date the statement was taken/generated. The shortest generation interval of the Portfolio Overview is "monthly". Example: "Portfolio Overview" statement with monthly frequency downloaded from George on 7/13. 2018 will be as of 30/06/2018, and "Return for the last year" will thus be calculated for the period from 01/07/2017 to 30/06/2018, i.e. for the last rolling 12 months.
Yes, in the portfolio details, select "Statements" in the left menu. Here you will find both types of statements (Business overview and Portfolio overview) with the option of filtering them according to calendar years. Statements can also be downloaded in PDF format.
We generate a transaction overview for you after each one-time transaction. At the same time, it includes all regular transactions that have been made since the last one-time transaction. If you only invest regularly, then this statement is generated only once every 6 months.
In the Portfolio Overview, we inform you every quarter (but at least once a year) about the current market value of all securities in your asset account. At the same time, you have an analysis of all revenues and costs in the Portfolio Overview.
Sure, the setup is very simple. In the portfolio details, select "Product settings" in the left menu, where we will guide you through the change in the "Statement settings" section. The statements will then be available to you at any time right here. The statement generation frequency can only be adjusted for "Portfolio overview".
The knowledge profile of the client is the result of an adequacy test, which the bank must carry out with the client according to the applicable legislation (Act on doing business on the capital market and its implementing decrees). We will subsequently compare your Knowledge Profile with the nature of the product you purchased/exchanged every time you purchase or exchange an investment product, so that we can inform you about its adequacy or inadequacy in the context of the investment knowledge and experience you specified in the test. You can refuse to carry out the adequacy test, but then we are unable to assess the adequacy/inadequacy of the product. If you do not have a Knowledge Profile or want to update it, visit the nearest Česká spořitelna branch or your advisor.
In order to assess the market value of the entire portfolio, the market value of the securities in EUR is converted to CZK at the current exchange rate of the Central Bank of Czech Republic. It is shown on the product detail both in the currency of the security and in CZK.
If you do not see a "Buy" option under the "Trade" menu for a product, it is possible that you have inherited these investment products or have not been interested in them for a very long time. We therefore did not have the opportunity to talk to you about your knowledge and experience in the field of investing, and therefore we cannot assess whether the investment product chosen for you is appropriate for purchase. This obligation - to assess the adequacy of the investment product - is imposed on us by law. Please contact us at 800 468 378 or contact your advisor.
Yes, if you have your property account displayed in George, you will see in the "Instruction History" section on it almost immediately all instructions, even those that you did not enter online, but at a branch or with the help of a telephone banker.
It is possible if they are over 3 years old. George displays one-time instructions and transactions 3 years back for you. In the case of regular investing, you will find the history of regular instructions in the separate section "Regular investing", where active regular instructions are displayed without restrictions and inactive for a period of 3 years retroactively.
In addition to other products, you can actively "trade" in George both with open mutual funds that you have in your portfolio, and under the "Find and Buy" menu, you can search for funds (or stocks, ETFs and certificates) that you are interested in. Just enter the initial letters of the fund name or its ISIN and George will tell you which funds are available for one-time or regular purchase. If you wish to buy or sell an open-ended mutual fund in your portfolio, hover over it in the overview of products in the portfolio and select the "Trade" button. Next, select the desired action from the menu. To successfully enter the instruction, you will be prompted to confirm it. Subsequently, the instruction will be able to be checked in "History of instructions" immediately after confirmation.
Hover the mouse over a specific open mutual fund in your portfolio, select the "Trade" button and then select the "Sell" option from the menu. To successfully enter the instruction, you will be prompted to confirm it. Subsequently, the instruction will be able to be checked in "History of instructions" immediately after confirmation.
No, we will do this for you. When buying or selling, a settlement account at Česká spořitelna is automatically offered, from which the funds will be paid in the case of a purchase, or to which they will be paid out in the case of a sale. After confirming the instruction, no further steps are required.
The purchase or sale of unit certificates of funds is always carried out at a price unknown at the given moment. For each fund, it is necessary to follow the current propositions for the given fund and the legal documents of the fund (especially the statute), which also state the procedure for calculating the share price. All documents are available on the website of the relevant investment company, i.e. the fund manager or at a business location.
- Share certificates of Erste Asset Management, pobočka ČR and REICO investiční společnost
Buy and sell orders submitted before midnight on a business day are settled at that day's price. Instructions entered after 24:00 mean the purchase/sale of shares at the price of the following working day. Orders received and paid outside of a business day are settled at the price of the first business day after the order is submitted.
- Share certificates of funds of Erste Asset Management GmbH and other Investment Companies
- Mutual funds in CZK with a collection account (list on these pages)
Purchase instructions submitted by 24:00 on the day D and sell instructions submitted by 13:00 on the day D+1 are sent together by the bank to the investment companies on the day D+1 after 13:00. Share certificates are then issued on the following working day and they are marked with the date of their issue (ERSTE) or the date of receipt of the instruction by the investment company.
- Mutual funds without a savings account (to invest, you must have an investment account in the given currency)
Instructions for the purchase and sale of foreign funds submitted before 1:00 p.m. on a working day are sent by the bank to investment companies on the same working day after 1:00 p.m. Share certificates are then issued the following working day and are marked with the date of issue or the date of receipt of the investment instruction companies.
During the settlement of foreign funds of other investment companies, there may be a time discrepancy, which may be caused by, for example, the conditions of individual investment companies or public holidays.
- Share certificates of the funds Erste Asset Management GmbH ESPA Stock Japan, ERSTE Future Invest, ERSTE STOCK EM Global and ERSTE Stock Istanbul
Compared to other funds of Erste Asset Management GmbH, the share certificates of these funds are issued and their prices are calculated one day later.
Regular investing is very popular, which is why we have prepared a separate "Regular Investing" section for it, where you can find all your active regular instructions including detailed transactions without history restrictions. Terminated or inactive instructions can be viewed 3 years back. The exception is the regular exchange, which due to its nature (sale and subsequent purchase) is displayed both in "History of orders" and in Regular investing. You can also edit or cancel open or active regular instructions, according to the offered steps/buttons in their detail. We will also be happy to help you set up regular investments on the toll-free line 800 468 378.
The instruction was not executed. The most common reason for not carrying out a "One-time sale" is the entry of a "amount" sale. The share price changes daily, so it is possible that precisely because of its movement (decrease), the total market value will decrease, and on the day of execution of the order, which is different from the day of entering the order, the entered amount may no longer be available, even if there may be a slight difference. In case of sale, it is always better to enter the type "number" (= number of share certificates) or choose "all".
It is possible that you also inherited securities that are in the records of Česká spořitelna (e.g. open mutual funds) and as part of the Resolution on settlement of inheritance you requested their transfer to your property account. On the basis of the inheritance decree, we opened an asset account for you and transferred these securities to it. We set up the property account for you so that the securities are registered somewhere. In the coming days, you will be contacted by Česká spořitelna in order to sign the contractual documentation related to the opening of a property account. Subsequently, after signing the necessary documents, we will be happy to talk with you about the possibilities, advantages and risks of investing and advise you on how to proceed with your securities. If you have any questions today, call us toll-free at 800 468 378 or visit us at one of our branches.
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