Markets overview
Current market data
Overview of markets
Current market data
Market overview
The investment instruments listed above are ranked by market capitalization and do not represent the entire offering. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The investment instruments listed above are listed in order of % change/difference, ranked from highest (TOP) to lowest (FLOP). Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The above investment instruments are listed in alphabetical order. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The investment instruments listed above are ranked by market capitalization and do not represent the entire offering. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The investment instruments listed above are listed in order of % change/difference, ranked from highest (TOP) to lowest (FLOP). Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The investment instruments listed above are ranked by market capitalisation as of 11.10.2024 and do not represent the entire offering. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The investment instruments listed above are ranked by market capitalization and do not represent the entire offering. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
S&P 500 TOP 5
S&P 500 FLOP 5
The investment instruments listed above are listed in order of % change/difference, ranked from highest (TOP) to lowest (FLOP). Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
TOP 15 S&P 500
The investment instruments listed above are ranked by market capitalisation as of 11.10.2024 and do not represent the entire offering. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The above ETFs are ranked according to the volume of sales through Česká spořitelna, a.s. over the last 6 calendar months and are also ETFs for which their creator has provided a Key Information Document (KID) in Czech. Please note that you may be outside the target market of the listed investment funds and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment fund.
The cryptocurrencies listed above are ranked by market capitalization. The data listed for these products contains market data taken from Factset. Česká spořitelna, a.s. is not a licensed provider of cryptocurrency services.
The cryptocurrencies listed above are ranked by market capitalization. The data listed for these products contains market data taken from Factset. Česká spořitelna, a.s. is not a licensed provider of cryptocurrency services.
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Source: Factset Financial data and analysis. Provision of financial market analyses and forecasts through Erste Group Research.