Equities and indices
Overview of equities and indices
Equities and indices
Overview of equities and indices
Index overview
Výkonnosti v horizontu menším než 12 měsíců mají jen velmi malou vypovídací hodnotu. Minulá výkonnost nezaručuje výkonnost budoucí. Zdroj: FactSet
Výkonnosti v horizontu menším než 12 měsíců mají jen velmi malou vypovídací hodnotu. Minulá výkonnost nezaručuje výkonnost budoucí. Zdroj: FactSet
Výkonnosti v horizontu menším než 12 měsíců mají jen velmi malou vypovídací hodnotu. Minulá výkonnost nezaručuje výkonnost budoucí. Zdroj: FactSet
Výkonnosti v horizontu menším než 12 měsíců mají jen velmi malou vypovídací hodnotu. Minulá výkonnost nezaručuje výkonnost budoucí. Zdroj: FactSet
Výkonnosti v horizontu menším než 12 měsíců mají jen velmi malou vypovídací hodnotu. Minulá výkonnost nezaručuje výkonnost budoucí. Zdroj: FactSet
The investment instruments listed above are ranked by market capitalization and do not represent the entire offering. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The investment instruments listed above are listed in order of % change/difference, ranked from highest (TOP) to lowest (FLOP). Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The above investment instruments are listed in alphabetical order. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The investment instruments listed above are ranked by market capitalization and do not represent the entire offering. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The investment instruments listed above are listed in order of % change/difference, ranked from highest (TOP) to lowest (FLOP). Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The investment instruments listed above are ranked by market capitalisation as of 11.10.2024 and do not represent the entire offering. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The investment instruments listed above are ranked by market capitalization and do not represent the entire offering. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
S&P 500 TOP 5
S&P 500 FLOP 5
The investment instruments listed above are listed in order of % change/difference, ranked from highest (TOP) to lowest (FLOP). Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
TOP 15 S&P 500
The investment instruments listed above are ranked by market capitalisation as of 11.10.2024 and do not represent the entire offering. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The information displayed does not constitute an investment recommendation. The price shown is not the actual strike price at which your order will be executed. The actual price depends on market movements and may differ significantly from the last available price at the time you place your order. Please pay attention to the cautions before signing a trade order. Information about previous performance does not guarantee future performance. Source: FactSet financial data and analytics, Erste Group
Erste Group Research
Source: Factset Financial data and analysis. Provision of financial market analyses and forecasts through Erste Group Research.