Fundamental stock analysis

Fundamental stock analysis


The fundamental analysis is a key approach for investors who focus on a long-term investment strategy and search for value investing opportunities on the stock market.


This approach focuses on analysing the basic factors that affect the value of a business and its stock. The aim of the fundamental analysis is to understand the financial health of a company and its future potential growth.


Macroeconomic analysis

The macroeconomic analysis examines broader economic trends and factors that can affect the overall market and sectors. Key aspects of this analysis include:

Economic growth 

  • Evaluation of the GDP growth trend, inflation and rate of unemployment which affect market demand and company performance.

Currency policy 

  • Analysis of central bank decisions and their impact on interest rates and exchange rates, which can affect business costs and profits.

Geopolitical events

  • Evaluation of political stability and risks associated with international conflicts or trade agreements, which may affect global markets.

Sector analysis

The sector analysis focuses on a specific sector of the market in which a company operates.
The key aspects of this analysis include:

Competitive environment

  • Evaluation of the strength of competition in the sector, market share of individual players and competitors’ strategies, which helps to identify market opportunities and threats.

Regulatory environment

  • Analysis of current and potential regulations and laws that can affect the business environment and the profits of companies in the sector.

Technological innovations

  • Evaluation of the trends and innovations in the sector which can affect competitiveness and future growth of companies in the sector.

Financial analysis

The financial analysis is a key element of the fundamental analysis which focuses on the financial results and health of a company.
The main aspects of this analysis include:

Financial performance

  • Evaluation of key financial indicators such as ROE (Return on Equity), ROI (Return on Investment), EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortisation) and their trend over time, which helps to evaluate the efficiency and performance of a business.

Growth potential

  • Evaluation of possibilities for future growth of sales, profits and dividends based on trends in the financial results and business strategies of a company.

Financial stability

  • Analysis of indebtedness, liquidity and cash flow in a company, which helps to evaluate the ability of a business to manage its operations and invest in future growth.

Investment process

Financial statements

Investment process