The aim of real estate funds is to provide stable appreciation of the invested funds of shareholders, which are invested in commercial real estate. The main part of the fund's income is made up of rental income from these properties. In order to provide redemption payments to redeeming unitholders, the funds hold a portion of the funds in rapidly liquid financial assets - money market instruments and bonds.

Real estate funds

The mutual funds listed above are ranked according to the volume of sales through Česká spořitelna, a.s. in the last 6 calendar months. They do not represent the full range of mutual funds, which can be found by clicking on the View All Funds button. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the mutual funds listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific mutual fund. To view the full range of offerings, please use the fund type breakdown or search engine.

Terms of purchase and sale of mutual funds

Statutory information obligation of REICO IS ČS

Mutual funds

FaQ - Mutual funds

Interactive chart