Fixed income funds
Fixed income funds
Fxed income funds seek to maximize the value of the funds, primarily through interest income on bond instruments and capital appreciation of those instruments. As these funds may invest in bond instruments denominated in foreign currencies, they tend to be hedged against currency risk given the yield potential of bond instruments.
The mutual funds listed above are ranked according to the volume of sales through Česká spořitelna, a.s. in the last 6 calendar months. They do not represent the full range of mutual funds, which can be found by clicking on the View All Funds button. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the mutual funds listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific mutual fund. To view the full range of offerings, please use the fund type breakdown or search engine.
The mutual funds listed above are ranked according to the volume of sales through Česká spořitelna, a.s. in the last 6 calendar months. They do not represent the full range of mutual funds, which can be found by clicking on the View All Funds button. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the mutual funds listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific mutual fund. To view the full range of offerings, please use the fund type breakdown or search engine.
The mutual funds listed above are ranked according to the volume of sales through Česká spořitelna, a.s. in the last 6 calendar months. They do not represent the full range of mutual funds, which can be found by clicking on the View All Funds button. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the mutual funds listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific mutual fund. To view the full range of offerings, please use the fund type breakdown or search engine.
The mutual funds listed above are ranked according to the volume of sales through Česká spořitelna, a.s. in the last 6 calendar months. They do not represent the full range of mutual funds, which can be found by clicking on the View All Funds button. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the mutual funds listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific mutual fund. To view the full range of offerings, please use the fund type breakdown or search engine.