Share in the success of companies that change the world.
Share in the success of companies that change the world.
Investing in equities is more suitable for investors who already have knowledge and can weigh the possible risks. As the prices rise and fall on a daily basis, it is worth investing in them for the long term, when the risk of losing the investment decreases significantly. To reduce risk, it is advisable to diversify your investment into different types of equities.
The investment instruments listed above are ranked by market capitalization and do not represent the entire offering. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The investment instruments listed above are listed in order of % change/difference, ranked from highest (TOP) to lowest (FLOP). Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The above investment instruments are listed in alphabetical order. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The investment instruments listed above are ranked by market capitalization and do not represent the entire offering. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The investment instruments listed above are listed in order of % change/difference, ranked from highest (TOP) to lowest (FLOP). Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The investment instruments listed above are ranked by market capitalisation as of 11.10.2024 and do not represent the entire offering. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
The investment instruments listed above are ranked by market capitalization and do not represent the entire offering. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
S&P 500 TOP 5
S&P 500 FLOP 5
The investment instruments listed above are listed in order of % change/difference, ranked from highest (TOP) to lowest (FLOP). Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
TOP 15 S&P 500
The investment instruments listed above are ranked by market capitalisation as of 11.10.2024 and do not represent the entire offering. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.
Fractional securities open the door to the world of investing even for those who wish to start with smaller amounts. Simply put, they allow you to invest an amount that suits your budget and acquire a proportional fraction of a selected security without the need to purchase a entire piece of security. Products with fractional trading support can be traded once or regularly only within Investment PLUS. Purchase and sale are defined by entering the amount in EUR with the option of automatic currency conversion.
The above investment instruments are listed in alphabetical order. Please note that you may be outside the target market for the investment instruments listed and therefore they may not be for you. Target market information is provided on the product page of the specific investment instrument.