Funds performance

Funds performance




The above mutual funds do not represent the entire offer range of mutual funds. The value of the amount invested and the return thereon may go up or down and the return of the amount originally invested is not guaranteed. Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. Prices for arranging the purchase and sale of mutual funds are part of Česká spořitelna's Price List Please note thayou may be outside the target market for the mutual funds listed and therefore they may not be for you. Information about the target market is provided on the product page of the specific mutual fund. Prices for arranging the purchase and sale of mutual funds are included in the Česká spořitelna Price List. To view the complete offer, please use the fund type breakdown or the search engine. The stated performance represents the net performance including costs paid from the mutual fund's assets. Entrance fees are not included.

Mutual funds

FaQ - Mutual funds

Interactive chart